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About Sharon

Sharon is a Reiki Master of the Usui System of energy healing and has been practicing and teaching Reiki for 20+ years. Reiki is an ancient energy healing art - originated from Japan in the 1900s. Reiki is a Japanese word that means Universal Life Force. This life force is the energy that flows to every living thing. 

     When the energy is being blocked or out of balance the person experiences dis-ease. Reiki helps clear the channels to bring back balance and heal a person holistically in mind, body, and spirit. Once trained, a Reiki Practitioner can draw in the universal life force and becomes a conduit for healing when the energy is passed on to himself/herself, or to another person. 

Reiki is not a religion therefore, can be learned and practiced by everyone, regardless of faith. 

     Sharon is also a Certified Emotion Mentor Instructor and Spiritual Life Coach. She has helped countless people throughout the years how to find inner peace, happiness, and joy in life through private sessions, workshops, seminars, and Reiki training. She has a passion for helping people to live happier, healthier lives through the application of energy healing, healthy eating, natural remedies, mindfulness, meditation, and above all, creating a new outlook on life!

That is why she cultivated Spirit Health Wellness.

Introducing a better way of being. Sharon Ho provides you with the tools you need to redefine your mind so that you can create the space necessary for important positive shifts in your life.

About: Welcome
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